Webinar: Move from Traditional DAST with Jim Manico. Register now.

Webinar: Move from Traditional DAST with Jim Manico. Register now.

Webinar: Move from Traditional DAST with Jim Manico. Register now.


API Discovery

Automated API Discovery

Automated API Discovery

Continuously discover your complete API attack surface across 1000s of apps - Internal, Public and Third Party APIs, sensitive, zombie and shadow APIs, login APIs, password APIs, REST, GraphQL, gRPC APIs

Continuously discover your complete API attack surface across 1000s of apps - Internal, Public and Third Party APIs, sensitive, zombie and shadow APIs, login APIs, password APIs, REST, GraphQL, gRPC APIs

Akto API inventory
Akto API inventory
Akto API inventory

Tackling the biggest challenges in API Discovery

Tackling the biggest challenges in API Discovery

Organizations struggle with real-time API discovery. Legacy platforms are unable to handle dynamic, complex enterprise environments.

Organizations struggle with real-time API discovery. Legacy platforms are unable to handle dynamic, complex enterprise environments.

Low Visibility

Large volumes and frequent modifications to APIs make it challenging for organizations to maintain a comprehensive inventory

Shadow APIs

Developers spin up APIs for their use. Often these APIs are unmonitored, exposed and unknown and become easy target for attackers.

Zombie APIs

API endpoints often become abandoned, outdated, or forgotten. Old API version such as v1, v2 APIs are often not deprecated properly.

Automated API Discovery at Enterprise Scale

Leverage Akto to ensure complete API coverage, gain visibility into API traffic, no matter the size of your business

Leverage Akto to discover all your APIs, gain visibility into API traffic, ensure complete API coverage no

Leverage Akto to discover all your APIs, gain visibility into API traffic, ensure complete API coverage no

Discover and Track All APIs

Identify internal, external, third-party, and partner APIs. Maintain a comprehensive view of your API landscape and understand your attack surface.

Understand deep API context

Identify how many APIs you have. Akto auto groups APIs by business logic.

Generate Accurate API Specs

Generate always updated API Specs. Akto is your single source of truth for API Swagger files.

API visibility into all Clouds and On Prem

Akto works with any cloud, on premises, multi-cloud environment seamlessly.

Akto is the API Security Choice for Customers

It is rewarded as High performer in API Security and DAST Categories by G2



API Security

API Security

Akto named as Representative Vendor in 2024 Gartner® Market Guide for API Protection

Cybersecurity attacks that use APIs as an attack vector constitute a major threat to your sensitive data. Get this market guide to see how tools like Akto can help secure your organization’s APIs.

Why Choose Akto?

Why Choose Akto?

Deploy Akto in just 20 minutes across 100,000+ APIs. Book a call to get dedicated deployment and onboarding assistance.

Deploy Akto in just 20 minutes across 100,000+ APIs. Book a call to get dedicated deployment and onboarding assistance.

All APIs

Internal, External, Third Party





Multi-Cloud Support

On premise




30+ Traffic connectors


K8s DaemonSet



EKS, ECS, Fargate, Mirroring

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

How frequently does Akto update the API inventory?

What's an API Endpoint

What's an API Endpoint

Is manual intervention needed for API Discovery?

How much scale can Akto handle?

How much scale can Akto handle?

What types of APIs can Akto platform discover?

How will Akto be updated in self hosted?

How will Akto be updated in self hosted?

Is there a limit to the number of APIs Akto platform can discover?

Is my API inventory real time?

Is my API inventory real time?

What if I have more questions

What if I have more questions

What if I have more questions

See what automated API Discovery can do for your business