
How does Bearer Token Authentication work?

Posted on 19th August, 2024




Bearer Token Authentication works by using a token to authenticate API requests. Here's how it typically operates:

Obtain a Token: The client, such as a web or mobile application, first authenticates with an authorization server (often via OAuth 2.0). Upon successful authentication, the client receives a bearer token.

Include the Token in Requests: The client includes the token in the "Authorization" header of each HTTP request to the API, formatted as: Authorization: Bearer

Server Verifies the Token: The API server validates the token, ensuring it is valid, unexpired, and authorized for the requested resource.

Access Granted: If the token is valid, the server processes the request and grants access to the resource. The server responds with a 401 Unauthorized error if the token is invalid or expired.

Bearer tokens provide a secure and stateless way to handle authentication for APIs.
