

Kernel open command injection in Ruby

Kernel open command injection in Ruby

Replacing request parameters with bash commands in a Ruby on Rails app test can lead to command injection due to the use of 'Kernel#open' and the presence of shell injection vulnerability.

Command Injection

"During the testing of a Ruby on Rails app, if a request parameter containing a URL is processed using 'Kernel#open' by the developers, it introduces a vulnerability to command injection. This allows an attacker to exploit the design flaw by sending a pipe character followed by a shell command. The impact of successful command injection includes unauthorized access, data leakage, system compromise, and potential disruption of services, making it a critical security concern that needs immediate attention."

"During the testing of a Ruby on Rails app, if a request parameter containing a URL is processed using 'Kernel#open' by the developers, it introduces a vulnerability to command injection. This allows an attacker to exploit the design flaw by sending a pipe character followed by a shell command. The impact of successful command injection includes unauthorized access, data leakage, system compromise, and potential disruption of services, making it a critical security concern that needs immediate attention."

Impact of the vulnerability

Impact of the vulnerability

Command injection allows an attacker to execute arbitrary commands on a vulnerable system, leading to unauthorized access, data theft, system compromise, and potential disruption of services, making it a severe security risk.

Command injection allows an attacker to execute arbitrary commands on a vulnerable system, leading to unauthorized access, data theft, system compromise, and potential disruption of services, making it a severe security risk.

How this template works

APIs Selection

The API selection filters in this template are used to filter requests based on specific criteria. In this case, the filters are checking if the request payload or query parameter contains the string "http". If the condition is met, the request will be selected for further processing.

Execute request

The execute section of the template specifies the actions to be performed on the selected requests. In this case, the template modifies the query parameter and body parameter by appending the string "| echo 'hello world'". This is done to simulate a command injection vulnerability and test the system's response.


The validation section defines the expected response from the system. It checks if the response payload contains the string "hello world". If the validation is successful, it indicates that the system is vulnerable to command injection and the template has successfully identified the issue.

Frequently asked questions

What is the vulnerability being tested in this scenario

What is the vulnerability being tested in this scenario

What is the vulnerability being tested in this scenario

How does the command injection vulnerability occur in this case

How does the command injection vulnerability occur in this case

How does the command injection vulnerability occur in this case

What are the potential impacts of a successful command injection attack

What are the potential impacts of a successful command injection attack

What are the potential impacts of a successful command injection attack

What category and subcategory does this vulnerability fall under

What category and subcategory does this vulnerability fall under

What category and subcategory does this vulnerability fall under

What are some common tags associated with this vulnerability

What are some common tags associated with this vulnerability

What are some common tags associated with this vulnerability

How can this vulnerability be mitigated or prevented

How can this vulnerability be mitigated or prevented

How can this vulnerability be mitigated or prevented

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"We are absolutely thrilled with the testing feature of Akto. We have used it on our graphQL endpoints and it performs flawlessly identifying common API security issues. It's truly a game-changer and we highly recommend Akto to anyone looking to effortlessly secure their API endpoints. With a user-friendly interface, it's the perfect solution for anyone looking to embrace custom rules with context to reduce false positives."

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"We are absolutely thrilled with the testing feature of Akto. We have used it on our graphQL endpoints and it performs flawlessly identifying common API security issues. It's truly a game-changer and we highly recommend Akto to anyone looking to effortlessly secure their API endpoints. With a user-friendly interface, it's the perfect solution for anyone looking to embrace custom rules with context to reduce false positives."

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"The text editor in Akto is absolutely remarkable. Its user-friendly YAML format strikes the perfect balance between simplicity and power. With intuitive features like 'API selection filter', 'Execute', Validate' creating test rules becomes incredibly easy. Akto's test editor is a game-changer, enabling seamless creation of highly personalized and effective tests that could meet the needs of any modern day organization. "

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"The text editor in Akto is absolutely remarkable. Its user-friendly YAML format strikes the perfect balance between simplicity and power. With intuitive features like 'API selection filter', 'Execute', Validate' creating test rules becomes incredibly easy. Akto's test editor is a game-changer, enabling seamless creation of highly personalized and effective tests that could meet the needs of any modern day organization. "

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"The text editor in Akto is absolutely remarkable. Its user-friendly YAML format strikes the perfect balance between simplicity and power. With intuitive features like 'API selection filter', 'Execute', Validate' creating test rules becomes incredibly easy. Akto's test editor is a game-changer, enabling seamless creation of highly personalized and effective tests that could meet the needs of any modern day organization. "

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