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Docker Metasploit

Docker Metasploit

Docker Metasploit
Docker Metasploit
Docker Metasploit
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Nov 21, 2024

Docker is a platform that enables the creation of isolated containers, packaging applications, and their dependencies for consistent performance across environments. Metasploit is a powerful penetration testing framework used to identify and exploit system vulnerabilities. When combined, Docker and Metasploit create a portable, secure testing environment.

This setup allows testers and security engineers to run Metasploit within a Docker container, simplifying deployment across platforms while protecting the host system. Together, they provide a flexible and safe solution for penetration testing.

The blog explores the powerful combination of Docker and Metasploit, highlighting its advantages, installation process, commands, and challenges.

What is Docker?


Docker simplifies the process of creating, deploying, and running applications by using containers. Developers and security engineers package applications with all their dependencies into standardized units for software development using containers. This approach ensures applications run seamlessly in any environment, including a developer's local machine, a test server, or a production environment.

What is Docker Metasploit?

Docker Metasploit packages the Metasploit Framework, a powerful tool for penetration testing and exploiting security vulnerabilities, into a Docker container. Security engineers deploy and test security environments using this containerized version without affecting their organization's host system. This setup creates a quick and isolated environment for security testing, simplifies configuration management and sharing, and streamlines penetration testing workflows. It enables security engineers to experiment safely and efficiently.

Advantages of Combining Docker and Metasploit

Combining Docker and Metasploit offers several key advantages that enhance security testing and streamline the deployment process.

Ease of Deployment

Running Metasploit within a Docker container simplifies and speeds up the deployment process by packaging all necessary dependencies together. Security engineers don’t need to manually configure or install additional components, as Docker handles all the setup. This allows them to deploy Metasploit on any machine with Docker support, making it easy to switch between environments without facing compatibility issues.

Environment Consistency

Docker ensures that Metasploit runs in a consistent environment across different operating systems. This eliminates the issues caused by variations in OS versions or configurations. Developers and security engineers can rely on the uniformity of Docker containers, knowing that Metasploit will behave the same way regardless of where it is deployed.

Resource Efficiency

Docker containers consume fewer resources than traditional virtual machines since they share the host OS kernel. This results in faster startup times and less memory and CPU usage, enabling security teams to run Metasploit efficiently on lower-spec systems or multiple containers simultaneously without significant performance drops.


By running Metasploit inside a Docker container, security teams isolate the testing environment from the host system. This means that any operations or tests performed within the container do not interfere with other applications or configurations on the computer. Such isolation provides a safer and more controlled setup, minimizing risks during penetration testing activities.

Setting Up Docker

To set up Docker Metasploit, testers and security teams need a system running Windows, macOS, or Linux as the operating system. Teams must have admin or root access to install necessary software like Docker. These prerequisites ensure that security teams have the proper permissions and connectivity to set up and utilize Dockerized Metasploit effectively on the machine.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

Follow these step-by-step instructions to install Docker on the preferred operating system and set up a powerful environment for running Metasploit.


Follow these steps to install Docker on Windows and prepare the system for running Metasploit:

  1. Download Docker Desktop from the official Docker website.

  2. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.

  3. Restart the computer if prompted.

  4. Open Docker Desktop and complete the setup process.

After successfully installing and running Docker Desktop, you can proceed to pull the Metasploit image and set up the penetration testing environment. Ensure Docker runs correctly in the background before moving on to the next steps.


Follow these steps to install Docker on macOS and prepare the system for running Metasploit:

  1. Download Docker Desktop for Mac from the Docker website.

  2. Open the downloaded .dmg file and drag the Docker icon to the Applications folder.

  3. Open Docker from the Applications folder and follow the setup instructions.

Once Docker Desktop is installed and running, proceed with pulling the Metasploit image and setting up the penetration testing environment. Ensure the Docker is running properly in the background before moving to the next steps.

Linux (Ubuntu)

Follow these steps to install Docker on Ubuntu and prepare the system for running Metasploit:

Update the Package Index


This command updates the package index on the Ubuntu system, ensuring security teams have access to the latest package versions and security updates.

Install Required Dependencies

This command installs essential packages that enable secure HTTPS communication, verify certificates, and manage software properties. These dependencies enable secure downloads and installations of packages from external repositories.

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl

Install Docker Dependency

It installs Docker dependencies: apt-transport-https for secure package downloads, ca-certificates for validating certificates, curl for transferring data, and software-properties-common for managing software repositories.

curl -fsSL <https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg> | sudo apt-key add -

This command downloads and adds Docker's GPG key to the system, ensuring the authenticity of Docker packages.

Add Docker's Official GPG Repository

sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] <https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu> $(lsb_release -cs) stable"

This command adds Docker’s official repository to the system, allowing access to Docker packages for the Ubuntu distribution.

Install Docker

sudo apt-get update

These commands update the package index and install Docker Community Edition (docker-ce) from the newly added Docker repository.

Check Docker Service Status


This checks the status of the Docker service to verify that it is running properly after installation.

Basic Docker Commands

Docker commands enable testers and security teams to manage containers, images, and networks efficiently. Here are some essential Docker commands:

docker run

The docker run command creates and starts a new container from a specified image. Using the -it flag enables interactive mode, allowing direct access to the container’s shell. This is particularly useful for running commands or scripts within the container. For example:

docker run -it

docker pull

The docker pull command downloads a Docker image from a registry, such as Docker Hub, onto the local machine. This command ensures that the specified image is available to create containers from. Security teams often use this to get pre-built images for testing or deployment.

docker build

The docker build command creates a Docker image from a Dockerfile in the current directory. The -t flag is used to tag the image with a name, making it easier to reference later. This command is essential when developers want to package their application into a Docker image.

docker build -t

docker ps

This command lists all currently running containers, displaying important information such as container IDs, names, and statuses. It helps developers monitor and manage active containers efficiently.

docker ps

docker stop

The docker stop command stops a running container, either by specifying its container ID or name. This command is important for gracefully shutting down containers without losing data or disrupting processes.

docker stop

Using Metasploit in Docker

Docker is preferred over traditional VM-based environments for running Metasploit because it provides a lightweight, portable environment with minimal overhead. Unlike VMs, Docker containers share the host system’s kernel, making them faster to start and more resource-efficient. Docker simplifies Metasploit setup by packaging it with all necessary dependencies, ensuring consistency across different platforms.

Pulling the Official Metasploit Docker Image

To begin using Metasploit in Docker, follow these steps to pull the official Metasploit Docker image and set up the environment:

Open the terminal.

Pull the Metasploit image from Docker Hub:

Docker downloads the Metasploit Framework image from Docker Hub. It retrieves the latest version of the image and stores it locally. This action prepares the system for running the Metasploit Framework in a container.

Running Metasploit Container

To run the Metasploit container, a simple Docker command is executed. This command launches a new container instance with the Metasploit Framework ready for use, utilizing the official Metasploit image previously pulled from Docker Hub.

The container runs in interactive mode, enabling direct interaction with the Metasploit console and providing a fully functional Metasploit environment, isolated from the host system for enhanced security and flexibility.

docker run -it

The -it flag enables interactive mode, which attaches the terminal to the container, allowing security teams to interact directly with the Metasploit Framework's console. Essentially, it starts a new instance of Metasploit within a container, providing an isolated environment to perform penetration testing activities.

Accessing the Metasploit Console

To access the Metasploit console within the Docker container, simply run the following command:

This command launches the Metasploit Framework's command-line interface. When security teams run this command, it opens the main console, allowing them to access Metasploit's tools, modules, and features for penetration testing, such as running exploits, scanning targets, and managing payloads. It serves as the primary way to interact with and control Metasploit functionalities.

Customizing Metasploit Container

Customizing the Metasploit container allows security professionals to tailor the environment to their specific needs, enhancing flexibility and capabilities by adding tools and optimizing settings for unique testing requirements.

  1. Create a new file named Dockerfile.

  2. Add the following command to the Dockerfile to customize the environment:

FROM metasploitframework/metasploit-framework
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y

This Dockerfile snippet uses the FROM command to create a new Docker image based on the metasploitframework/metasploit-framework image. It then runs the apt-get update command to refresh the package index and installs the nmap package using apt-get install -y nmap.

By doing so, it adds Nmap, a network scanning tool, to the Metasploit container, allowing security teams to use both Metasploit and Nmap together within the same container environment for enhanced penetration testing capabilities.

Adding Additional Tools and Configurations

Customizing the Metasploit container allows security professionals to tailor the environment to their specific needs, enhancing flexibility and capabilities for unique testing requirements.

  1. Edit the Dockerfile to include additional tools or configurations as needed.

  2. For example, to add curl and a custom configuration file:

FROM metasploitframework/metasploit-framework
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y nmap curl

This Dockerfile command builds a new image based on metasploitframework/metasploit-framework. It uses RUN to update the package index with apt-get update and installs both nmap and curl using apt-get install -y nmap curl, adding these tools to the container for network scanning and data transfer.

Then, the COPY command copies a custom configuration file (my_custom_config.conf) from the local directory to the /etc/metasploit/ directory inside the container, customizing the Metasploit setup with the own configuration settings.

Building and Running the Customized Image

To build and run the customized Metasploit Docker image, follow these steps:

docker build -t

The command docker build -t custom_metasploit . builds a Docker image from the Dockerfile located in the current directory (.). The -t flag tags the new image with the name custom_metasploit. This tagging makes it easy to identify and use the custom-built image later for creating containers, allowing security teams to run a customized version of Metasploit with the modifications defined in the Dockerfile.

Run the Customized Docker Container

To run the customized Docker container with the newly built Metasploit image, execute the following command in the terminal.

docker run -it

The command docker run -it custom_metasploit starts a new container from the custom_metasploit image, which teams previously built. The -it flag enables interactive mode and attaches the terminal to the container, allowing security teams to interact directly with it. This means teams can run commands within the container, such as accessing the Metasploit Framework's console, and use the custom configurations and tools added during the build process.

Challenges of Using Docker Metasploit

While Docker Metasploit offers numerous advantages, it also presents several challenges that security teams should be aware of when implementing this setup.

Network Configuration

Docker containers isolate Metasploit's networking, which complicates accessing external services or targets for testing. Security teams must properly configure bridge networks or expose ports to allow communication between the container and the outside environment.

Limited System Access

Docker containers provide isolated environments, which can limit access to certain system resources or configurations. This can restrict Metasploit's ability to exploit vulnerabilities that rely on direct access to hardware or the underlying system. Some advanced testing may require additional configuration to overcome these limitations.

Persistence Issues

Docker containers store data ephemerally by default. Security teams lose any information or results generated during a session if they stop or remove the container. They must use proper volume mounting or data export configurations to prevent losing important testing data when using Docker Metasploit.

Resource Management

While Docker containers are lightweight, running multiple Metasploit instances or resource-intensive modules may still consume significant system resources. Inadequate resource allocation or management within the host system could lead to performance degradation during penetration testing activities.

Security Misconfigurations

Misconfigured Docker containers can introduce security risks. If Docker Metasploit is not properly isolated or secured, an attacker could exploit vulnerabilities within the container to affect the host system. It's crucial to follow best practices for securing Docker environments to prevent potential threats.

Final Thoughts

Integrating Docker with Metasploit provides a powerful, flexible, and efficient environment for conducting security testing. Docker's portability and resource efficiency, combined with Metasploit's comprehensive suite of penetration testing tools, create a robust platform for identifying and addressing system vulnerabilities. By containerizing Metasploit, organizations can easily deploy a consistent testing environment across various setups, thereby achieving seamless operation and reducing configuration issues.

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