API Scanning vs Traditional DAST with James Berthoty. Register Now.

API Scanning vs Traditional DAST with James Berthoty. Register Now.

API Scanning vs Traditional DAST with James Berthoty. Register Now.

Akto’s Spring Roadshow: A Retrospective

Akto had an incredible round of conferences, talks, and workshops in April and May! Here are some highlights from our experience.

Raaga Srinivas

Raaga Srinivas

May 28, 2024

Akto’s Spring Roadshow: A Retrospective
Akto’s Spring Roadshow: A Retrospective
Akto’s Spring Roadshow: A Retrospective

Akto had an incredible round of conferences, talks, and workshops in April and May! With new-found learnings, insights, and connections, we're excited to bring fresh perspectives to our work.

Here are some highlights from our experience -

Day of Shecurity, SF

We kicked off the roadshow on April 26 with a booth and talk at Day of Shecurity, right here on our home turf - San Francisco. Akto’s co-founder - Ankita Gupta, presented a talk on AI in Cybersecurity: 5 Growing Trends in 2024. The crucial role of AI in cybersecurity was a key theme throughout our talks and workshops and continues to inform our work at Akto.

Akto at Day of Shecurity

BSides Seattle

At our next stop in BSides Seattle, Akto’s founders, Ankita Gupta and Ankush Jain shared the ‘Playbook for secure API Authentication and Authorization’. API Authentication and Authorization form a core muscle of Akto. We believe in empowering businesses with a thoughtful platform and a team that supports you through these API challenges. Sharing our playbook was a step towards this effort and we were thrilled by the response!

Akto at BSides Seattle

APIDays and APISecure NY

Heading over to the West Coast for APIDays and APISecure conference in NY, we had a full house for our talk on LLM API Security! We were delighted to present Akto's GenAI Security Testing solution, an unparalleled automated approach that directly addresses LLM Security challenges. You can sign up for beta access here. We also conducted a workshop to teach participants about GraphQL Security: Process, Tools, & Examples. Education on API Security is a top priority at Akto. Check out our academy courses if you did not catch a live workshop!

Akto at APIDays and APISecure NY

Next up, two of the most awaited cybersecurity conferences this year - BSides SF and RSA!

BSides SF

At BSides SF, Akto spoke about ‘Secure API Authentication and Authorization Testing’. At the hub of the tech world, we were thrilled to connect with other leaders in cybersecurity and chat about the future of this industry alongside some of the top companies in this space.

Akto at BSides SF

RSA Sandbox, SF

At RSA this year, Akto took up a booth at AppSec Village! We had the unique opportunity to educate our community through our Open Source LLM Security Demo with Trivia. With LLM security being such a hot topic, our team was happy that so many participants passed the quiz with flying colors!

Aktp at RSA Sandbox

BSides Nashville

Akto’s final stop was at BSides Nashville where our co-founder, Ankita spoke about ‘Securing LLM APIs'. A wonderfully warm end to our first round of conferences this year!

Akto at BSides Nashville

Meet Us in August

Missed Akto’s talks and workshops in April and May? No problem! There’s much more to come.

Akto will be conducting more workshops and talks and has booths at BlackHat, BSides Las Vegas and DefCon in August. Come join us for a chat!

If you’d like a personalized demo, we’d be happy to set that up for you.

Not just events, we’re gearing up for some exciting new improvements to our platform, so stay tuned.

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Want to ask something?

Our community offers a network of support and resources. You can ask any question there and will get a reply in 24 hours.

Want to ask something?

Our community offers a network of support and resources. You can ask any question there and will get a reply in 24 hours.

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Experience enterprise-grade API Security solution