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Webinar: Move from Traditional DAST with Jim Manico. Watch the recording

Webinar: Move from Traditional DAST with Jim Manico. Watch the recording



Grey Box Penetration Testing Methodology

Grey Box Penetration Testing Methodology

Grey box penetration testing assesses a system's security by simulating insider threats with partial knowledge of the system, offering a balanced mix of realistic and thorough vulnerability detection.

Grey Box Penetration Testing
Grey Box Penetration Testing
Grey Box Penetration Testing
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Grey box penetration testing is a process where testers assess a system's security with some insider knowledge, like user access levels or system architecture details. This approach simulates an attack with partial information to uncover vulnerabilities effectively. It combines the thoroughness of white box testing with the realistic perspective of black box testing.

In this blog, explore grey box penetration testing, its techniques, advantages, disadvantages, and methodology and best practices to help strengthen the organization’s cybersecurity defenses.

What is Grey Box Penetration Testing?

Grey box penetration testing combines elements of black box and white box approaches. Security teams possess partial knowledge of the target system's internals, simulating an insider threat scenario.

With limited access to system architecture and interfaces, security teams assess security from a user's perspective. They exploit vulnerabilities using a mix of techniques, including fuzzing and manual testing.

This approach offers a realistic assessment of the organization system's security posture, identifying weaknesses that might be overlooked in black-box testing. Grey box testing provides valuable insights for organizations aiming to enhance their security defenses through a balanced and comprehensive penetration testing strategy.

When To Perform Grey Box Penetration Testing?

Organizations should perform Grey Box Penetration Testing when they want to test the security of the system with some insider knowledge. This approach is ideal to see how a user with certain access(like a regular employee or user) might exploit their privileges to find vulnerabilities.

It's useful when balancing a full internal view (white box) and an outsider's perspective (black box). Grey box testing is recommended to save time compared to a full white box test while gaining deeper insights than a black box test.

It’s particularly helpful before launching new features, after major system changes, or as part of a regular security audit to ensure that attackers cannot use limited access to escalate privileges or breach sensitive data.

Common Grey Box Techniques

Grey box penetration testing employs several key techniques to uncover vulnerabilities and assess system security effectively.


Fuzzing is a technique where security teams systematically inject invalid, unexpected, or random data into various inputs of a system. The goal is to discover vulnerabilities such as buffer overflows, format string vulnerabilities, or injection flaws.

For instance, security teams might input excessively long strings or special characters into a web form to see how the system handles unexpected data. This can reveal how the application reacts to these inputs and whether it exposes any security weaknesses.

Security teams often use fuzzing to test the robustness of applications, ensuring they handle all input safely without crashing or leaking information.

Manual Exploration

Manual exploration involves thoroughly examining application features and source code by interacting with them directly. The aim is to discover security vulnerabilities that automated tools may overlook. For example, security teams look for hardcoded credentials or issues like insecure direct object references (IDOR) in the codebase.

This hands-on approach allows for a deeper understanding of how the application operates and provides an opportunity to identify complex security flaws that require human analysis. By manually exploring, security teams can uncover subtle weaknesses that automated scanning tools might miss.

Parameter Manipulation

Parameter manipulation involves changing input parameters within requests to exploit vulnerabilities in an application. Security teams modify URL parameters, form fields, or other input points to discover flaws like SQL injection, command injection, or path traversal attacks.

For instance, altering the values of parameters in a URL or form field can allow the injection of malicious SQL queries. This technique is highly effective for uncovering security weaknesses that rely on improperly validated or sanitized inputs, making it a crucial aspect of security testing.

Authentication Bypass

Authentication bypass focuses on finding ways to circumvent authentication mechanisms to gain unauthorized access to an application. Security teams exploit issues like weak password policies, predictable session tokens, or insecure authentication protocols.

For example, attempts to bypass login authentication may include using brute force attacks to guess passwords or manipulating session tokens through techniques like session fixation. By exploiting these weaknesses, attackers can access protected areas of an application without proper authorization, highlighting critical security gaps.

API Testing

API testing assesses the security of API endpoints by analyzing how requests are handled and ensuring proper access controls. Security teams look for vulnerabilities like insufficient authentication or authorization bypass.

For example, they may send crafted requests to API endpoints to see if they expose sensitive data or if they improperly enforce access controls. This process helps identify weaknesses in API security, ensuring that only authorized users can access the correct data and functionality within the system.

Business Logic Testing

Business logic testing evaluates the core functionalities and processing logic of an application to ensure it behaves as intended. Security teams look for flaws like order manipulation, payment bypass, or other logical vulnerabilities.

For example, they may test an e-commerce site's checkout process to see if it can be exploited to purchase items without payment or manipulate quantities. Identifying these flaws is crucial for securing the application's core operations and preventing unauthorized actions that break business rules.

Advantages of Grey Box Penetration Testing

Grey box penetration testing offers several key advantages that make it an effective approach for assessing and enhancing an organization's cybersecurity defenses. These include:

Testing Depth

Grey box testing provides security teams with partial internal knowledge, offering a more in-depth view of potential vulnerabilities than black box testing. This added context helps in identifying weaknesses that would otherwise be hidden. It strikes a balance between insider and outsider perspectives. This improves the accuracy and scope of the test.


Security teams can focus on specific areas of concern, making the testing process quicker and more targeted. This efficiency reduces the time and effort needed to uncover vulnerabilities. The focused approach helps in optimizing resources effectively. By concentrating on critical parts, teams achieve better results in less time.


Grey box testing simulates the perspective of an internal user or someone with limited access, closely mimicking real-world attack scenarios. This realistic approach helps organizations understand their exposure to insider threats. It provides a practical view of security gaps that an attacker could exploit. The scenario is particularly effective for organizations concerned about internal breaches.

Cost & Resources

Grey box testing requires fewer resources than white box testing due to partial access, making it a more cost-effective solution. The focused nature of the test reduces the need for extensive, in-depth analysis. It offers a balance between cost and depth of testing. This makes it a practical choice for many organizations with limited budgets.

Access Control Testing

The approach effectively checks for privilege escalation and improper access controls, giving insights into how internal access might be misused. It identifies weaknesses that could allow unauthorized access within the organization’s system. This makes it useful for highlighting insider threats. Ultimately, it provides a realistic measure of access security.

Disadvantages of Grey Box Penetration Testing

Grey box penetration testing offers significant advantages, but it also comes with several limitations that organizations should consider.

Limited Internal Visibility

Grey box testing provides some internal information but not full access to source code or configurations. This partial visibility might miss deeper vulnerabilities or misconfigurations that a more thorough white box penetration test could uncover, limiting the overall assessment.

Incomplete Attack Simulation

Since testers have some internal knowledge but not full access, the test may not fully simulate real-world attack scenarios. The attack paths tested may not completely mirror those of an external attacker or insider threat, leading to potential gaps in the security evaluation.

Limited Time and Resource Efficiency

While grey box testing is more efficient than black box testing, it may still require considerable time to understand the target environment. The time spent on gaining partial context without full access might not be as efficient as the deeper analysis allowed in white box testing.

Difficulty in Identifying Privilege Escalation Paths

Grey box tests often focus on specific components or modules and may not identify privilege escalation vulnerabilities across the entire system. Without full knowledge of how different parts interact, testers might miss opportunities for an attacker to gain elevated privileges through interconnected systems.

Grey Box Pen-Testing Methodology

Grey box penetration testing follows a structured methodology that combines elements of both black box and white box approaches to uncover vulnerabilities effectively.

1. Preparation

In the preparation phase of grey box penetration testing, the aim is to gather as much information as possible about the target system. This includes details like network architecture, IP ranges, and domain names.

The security team also examines publicly available information such as the target's website, social media profiles, and employee directories. Tools like WHOIS Lookup can reveal domain registration information, Shodan can identify internet-exposed devices and services, and Recon-ng is used for extensive reconnaissance and information gathering.

2. Scoping

Scoping defines the boundaries of the penetration test by identifying the systems, applications, and environments to be tested. The security team documents any exclusions or limitations due to legal, ethical, or technical constraints to ensure the test aligns with organizational policies.

To set a clear scope, tools like Burp Suite Professional can assist in defining targets, while diagramming tools like Microsoft Visio or Lucidchart help to visually map out network diagrams and establish test boundaries.

3. Partial Knowledge Acquisition

Partial knowledge acquisition focuses on obtaining network diagrams, system configurations, and high-level architecture overviews. These details provide insight into the target system without full access.

The security team analyzes user manuals, API documentation, and configuration guides. To further discover the structure and potential vulnerabilities, tools like Nmap assist in network discovery, while Nessus or OpenVAS provide comprehensive vulnerability scanning.

4. Threat Modeling

Security professionals use threat modeling to identify potential threats, vulnerabilities, and attack vectors within the partially known system. The security team combines the acquired knowledge with best security practices to pinpoint weaknesses and prioritize them based on impact, likelihood of exploitation, and relevance to critical assets. The team employs tools like Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool and OWASP Threat Dragon to visualize these threats and create structured models to aid in prioritization.

5. Tool Selection and Configuration

In this phase, security teams select and configure tools based on the scope and objectives of the penetration test. Teams tailor tools to fit the specific requirements and environment of the target system.

This includes the use of the Metasploit Framework for exploitation and post-exploitation, Wireshark for packet capturing and network analysis, and SQLMap for automated SQL injection testing.

6. Active Testing

Active testing combines automated scanning, manual exploration, and targeted attacks to actively probe the target system. During this phase, security teams perform a comprehensive vulnerability assessment, conduct penetration tests, and attempt privilege escalation to access more protected areas of the system.

Security teams utilize tools like Burp Suite for web application testing, utilize Nikto for web server vulnerability assessment, and utilize Hydra for brute-force attacks against authentication mechanisms.

7. Vulnerability Analysis

After active testing, the security team performs vulnerability analysis to identify and prioritize security issues based on their severity and impact. Security teams validate the vulnerabilities by attempting to exploit them and assess their real-world effect on the system.

Security teams use tools such as Nessus or OpenVAS for vulnerability assessment, while Nexpose aids in risk scoring and prioritization, ensuring that critical issues are addressed promptly.

8. Exploitation

In the exploitation phase, the goal is to exploit identified vulnerabilities to validate their severity and demonstrate their potential impact. Security engineers carefully record each vulnerability's business impact and the techniques they use to exploit it.

Security teams commonly use the Metasploit Framework for automated exploitation and source publicly available exploits and proof-of-concept code from databases like ExploitDB.

9. Reporting

Reporting involves compiling a comprehensive document that details all findings, including identified vulnerabilities, the techniques used for exploitation, and recommended remediation steps.

The security team articulates the risk associated with each vulnerability clearly, and provides actionable recommendations for mitigation. Tools like the Dradis Framework are useful for organizing and creating reports, while Microsoft Word or LaTeX can format and present the findings professionally.

10. Remediation Support

The final phase of grey box penetration testing is remediation support. Security engineers work closely with the organization's security team to address identified vulnerabilities and implement remediation measures.

The team sets priorities for fixing vulnerabilities and tracks progress to ensure all issues are resolved. The team uses tools like Jira or Bugzilla to track and manage remediation tasks, while GitLab or GitHub facilitate collaboration and version control during the remediation process.

Best Practices for Grey-Box Pentesting

Implementing these best practices ensures a comprehensive and effective grey-box penetration testing process, enhancing the overall security posture of the target system. These include:

Understand the Target Environment

Before starting, gather detailed information about the application, network, or system that testers are testing. While testers have some internal knowledge, it’s important to understand configurations, functionalities, and potential weak points. This familiarity helps focus efforts on testing high-risk areas and increases the efficiency of the pentest.

Define Clear Scope and Objectives

Establish a clear scope for the grey-box pentest, including which testers will test the systems, applications, and data. Define specific goals, such as testing for authentication flaws, data leaks, or privilege escalation risks. Having a well-defined scope helps testers focus their efforts on critical assets and ensures a comprehensive assessment without affecting unintended areas.

Leverage the Provided Access

Use the partial internal access provided to thoroughly examine key components, such as user accounts, system logs, and application configurations. This access enables testers to simulate attacks from a position similar to that of an insider or a user with limited access, revealing potential vulnerabilities that black-box tests do not uncover.

Simulate Realistic Attack Scenarios

Since grey-box testing sits between black-box and white-box testing, it is essential to simulate realistic attack scenarios based on the tester's internal knowledge. Use the insights gained to conduct targeted tests, such as bypassing security controls, abusing trust relationships, or escalating privileges within the system.

Combine Automated and Manual Testing

Use automated tools to scan for common vulnerabilities and weak configurations, but also rely heavily on manual testing. Manual testing allows for deeper exploration of complex functionalities and business logic flaws that automated tools may miss. This balanced approach ensures a thorough and accurate security assessment.

Focus on Access Control and Privilege Escalation

One of the main objectives in grey-box pentesting is to assess access controls and the potential for privilege escalation. Test for improper role-based access, weak session handling, and the ability to elevate privileges. Ensure that the system limits users to the minimum required access and that critical functions are properly protected.

Test Data Flow and Input Validation

Evaluate how data flows through the application or system, and test how users handle inputs. Check for insecure data storage, transmission vulnerabilities, and improper input validation. This helps identify risks such as SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), and data leaks, which attackers could exploit.

Document Findings and Verify Exploits

Document all findings during the testing process, including the vulnerabilities that testers discover, the methods that testers use, and any proof-of-concept exploits that testers perform.

Verify each vulnerability to rule out false positives. Ensure detailed documentation so stakeholders can clearly understand the risks and implement appropriate remediation measures.

Final Thoughts

Grey box penetration testing offers a unique perspective in the world of cybersecurity. By combining the benefits of both black box and white box testing, it provides a balanced approach that delivers a realistic assessment of a system's security posture.

This methodology allows security teams to uncover vulnerabilities that other testing methods might miss. Therefore, it is a valuable tool for organizations looking to strengthen their defenses against potential cyber threats.

Explore how Akto can help organizations achieve comprehensive API security during Grey Box Pentesting and improve development practices. Akto’s solutions enable organizations to proactively protect their APIs from vulnerabilities. Take the first step toward more secure and efficient API management — book your demo today.

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