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Luke Stephens

Nov 13, 2023

What is GraphQL?

GraphQL is a powerful query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. Unlike REST, it allows clients to request exactly the data they need, making it an efficient and robust alternative.

Learn the difference between GraphQL and REST.

Principles of GraphQL

  • Strong Typing: GraphQL enforces a schema that defines the types of data that can be queried and mutated. This schema serves as a contract between the client and server, ensuring consistency.


type Book {
  title: String!
  author: String!

In this example, the type keyword defines a new Book type with title and author fields, where String! indicates that the fields are non-nullable strings.

  • Hierarchical Structure: GraphQL’s hierarchical structure organizes data in a way that aligns with the layout of the UI, making it intuitive for frontend developers.

    Example Query:

  book(id: "1") {
    author {

In this query, we're asking for a book with a specific id, and within that book, we want the title and the author's name.

  • Real-time Updates (Subscriptions): GraphQL subscriptions allow real-time data updates, enabling dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

    Example Subscription:

subscription {
  bookAdded {

Here, the subscription keyword is used to define a real-time subscription to listen for bookAdded events.

Benefits of GraphQL?

GraphQL stands out due to its efficiency in data retrieval, real-time updates, and strong typing which ensures data consistency and aids in error prevention.

  • Efficiency: GraphQL queries allow clients to request exactly the data they need, preventing over-fetching or under-fetching of data.

    Example Query:

  book(id: "1") {

This query is efficient because it only requests the title of the book, nothing more, nothing less.

  • Real-time Updates: With subscriptions, GraphQL enables real-time updates that help in building dynamic and interactive UIs.

    Example Subscription:

subscription {
  bookAdded {

This subscription will notify the client in real-time whenever a new book is added.

  • Strong Typing: The strong typing ensures that the API has a clear contract, preventing potential bugs and aiding in error prevention.

How does GraphQL Work?

  1. Client Sends a Query

    Clients send queries to the GraphQL server describing the data they need.

query {
  book(id: "1") {

In this query, we're asking for a book with a specific id, and we want to retrieve the title and author of the book.

  1. Server Resolves the Query

    The server processes the query, resolves it against the schema, and retrieves the data from the data sources.

  2. Server Sends a Response to the Client

    The server sends a response with the requested data to the client.

  "data": {
    "book": {
      "title": "To Kill a Mockingbird",
      "author": "Harper Lee"

This response contains the data as requested by the client in the same shape as the query.

Components of a GraphQL Query

  • Fields: The properties you want to retrieve.

In this query, title and author are fields on the book type.

  • Arguments: Parameters you can pass to fields to get specific data.

  book(id: "1") {

Here, id is an argument passed to the book field to retrieve a specific book.

  • Aliases: Aliases allow you to rename fields in the result.

  firstBook: book(id: "1") {
  secondBook: book(id: "2") {

In this query, firstBook and secondBook are aliases for the book field.

fragment bookDetails on Book {

query {
  book(id: "1") {

In this query, bookDetails is a fragment that is reused to get details of the book.

Components of a GraphQL Mutation

GraphQL mutations allow clients to change data on the server.

  • Mutation Definition:

type Mutation {
  addBook(title: String!, author: String!): Book

In this Mutation definition, we're defining a mutation called addBook that takes title and author as arguments and returns a Book type.

  • Mutation Query:

mutation {
  addBook(title: "New Book", author: "New Author") {

In this mutation query, we're calling the addBook mutation to create a new book and requesting the title and author fields in the response.

Example of GraphQL

Let's consider a social media application where users can post, like, and comment.

  1. query getPosts: Retrieving All Posts

    This query provides a list of all posts.

This query retrieves all posts, along with their title, author, and likes.

  1. mutation createPost: Adding a New Post

This mutation allows users to create new posts.

mutation {
  createPost(title: "My First Post", content: "This is my first post!") {

This mutation creates a new post with the given title and content, and returns the title and author of the new post.

  1. query getPost: Accessing a Specific Post

This query allows users to view a specific post.

query {
  getPost(id: "1") {
    comments {

This query retrieves a specific post by id, along with its title, author, and comments.

  1. mutation updatePost: Updating a Post

    This mutation allows users to update existing posts.

mutation {
  updatePost(id: "1", title: "Updated Title") {

This mutation updates the title of the post with id "1" to "Updated Title".


GraphQL is a robust and efficient alternative to traditional REST APIs, offering precise data retrieval, real-time updates, and strong typing. By understanding its basics, developers can create more efficient, scalable, and maintainable web services, enhancing the overall development workflow and user experience.

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