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GraphQL Fragment

GraphQL Fragment

GraphQL Fragment
GraphQL Fragment
GraphQL Fragment

Luke Stephens

Jan 22, 2024

What is a GraphQL Fragment?

GraphQL Fragments are reusable units of a query, representing a part of a GraphQL schema's type which can be used in multiple queries or mutations. Fragments help in building more complex queries with reusable pieces, making your queries more organized and easier to maintain.

Use of GraphQL Fragments

GraphQL Fragments can be a great asset in keeping your queries DRY and managing complex queries and mutations.

  • Description: Fragments encapsulate part of the structure of the data required, and can be reused in different queries and mutations.

  • Example: Reusing a set of fields across multiple queries.

Basic GraphQL Fragment

The structure of a GraphQL fragment is straightforward and easy to understand.

  • Description: A fragment is defined with the fragment keyword, followed by the name of the fragment, the type it applies to, and the fields it contains.

    Example: A fragment to fetch book details.

fragment BookDetails on Book {

Using GraphQL Fragments in Queries

Once defined, fragments can be used in queries to help gather the required data in a more organized and reusable way.

  • Description: Fragments are used in queries by specifying the fragment name prefixed with ....

  • Example: Using the BookDetails fragment in a query.

  book(id: "123") {

Combining Multiple GraphQL Fragments

You can also combine multiple fragments in a single query, allowing for powerful and complex queries built from reusable pieces.

  • Description: Multiple fragments can be combined to gather a rich set of data in a single query.

  • Example: Combining BookDetails and PublicationDetails fragments in a query.

fragment PublicationDetails on Publication {

  book(id: "123") {
    publication {

Example of GraphQL Fragments

Defining and Using Fragments

In real-world scenarios, fragments shine in scenarios where the schema is complex and certain pieces of data are used in multiple places.

Defining Fragments:

fragment BookDetails on Book {

fragment PublicationDetails on Publication {

Using Fragments in Queries:

  book(id: "123") {
    publication {

By understanding the structure and usage of GraphQL fragments, you can build more maintainable and organized queries, making your GraphQL operations clean and efficient. This knowledge is essential as you work on more complex GraphQL schemas and operations.

Best Practices for Using GraphQL Fragments

  • Naming: Adopt a clear, descriptive naming convention for your fragments to indicate their purpose and the data they represent.

  • Reuse: Maximize the reuse of fragments across your queries and mutations to keep your GraphQL operations DRY and maintainable.

  • Organization: Organize your fragments in a way that makes sense for your project, keeping related fragments together to promote clarity and ease of use.


This module has equipped you with the knowledge to use GraphQL fragments effectively, promoting reusability and organization in your queries and mutations.

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