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GraphQL Subscription

GraphQL Subscription

GraphQL Subscription
GraphQL Subscription
GraphQL Subscription

Luke Stephens

Jan 23, 2024

What is a GraphQL Subscription?

GraphQL Subscriptions are a way to push data from the server to the clients that choose to listen to real-time messages from the server. Subscriptions are event-driven and are useful for notifying clients about things that are happening on the server, such as the creation of new objects, updates, and even errors.

Understanding GraphQL Subscription Mechanics

Subscriptions follow a publish-subscribe pattern and are typically implemented with WebSockets. Here's a simplified flow of how subscriptions work:

  1. The client subscribes to some event by sending a subscription query to the server.

  2. The server acknowledges the subscription and keeps the connection open.

  3. When the subscribed event occurs, the server pushes the event data to the client.

Basic GraphQL Subscription

Subscriptions have a specific syntax within GraphQL, making it easy to set up and use.

  • Description: A GraphQL subscription allows a client to subscribe to specific events, and receive real-time updates when those events occur.

  • Example: In this subscription, the client will receive updates when a new book is added.

subscription OnBookAdded {
  bookAdded {

Real-Time Updates with GraphQL Subscriptions

The real power of subscriptions lies in the ability to receive real-time updates, which is crucial for many modern applications.

  • Description: Subscriptions help in building interactive applications by providing real-time updates to the client.

  • Example: Whenever a new book is added to the database, all subscribed clients will immediately receive the new book’s details.

subscription OnBookAdded {
  bookAdded {

Handling GraphQL Subscription Events

Subscriptions can be set up to handle different types of events, making them a versatile tool for real-time updates.

  • Description: You can set up different subscriptions for different types of events, like adding, updating, or deleting data.

  • Example: This subscription triggers updates to the client whenever a book’s details are updated.

subscription OnBookUpdated {
  bookUpdated {

Example of GraphQL Subscription Request

Subscriptions in real-world applications help in keeping the user interface in sync with the data changes.

  • Operation Name: Naming your subscription aids in debugging and server-side logging.


subscription OnNewBook
  • Subscription String: Specifies the subscription operation and the data you want to receive.


subscription OnNewBook {
  bookAdded {

OnNewBook is the operation name for clarity and debugging.

bookAdded is the subscription field, with id, title, and author as sub-fields to receive the new book’s details.

Example of GraphQL Subscription Response

When the event occurs, the server pushes the event data to the client through the open connection.

  • Data: The data pushed from the server, structured according to the subscription.


  "data": {
    "bookAdded": {
      "id": "456",
      "title": "New Book Title",
      "author": "New Author"
  • Errors: Any errors encountered during the subscription.


  "errors": [
      "message": "Subscription field 'bookAdded' is not defined in the schema",
      "locations": [
          "line": 2,
          "column": 7

By understanding the structure and capabilities of GraphQL subscriptions, you can build dynamic, real-time applications that respond to events as they happen.

Best Practices for Implementing Subscriptions GraphQL

  • Filtering and Authorization: Ensure that clients can only subscribe to events they are authorized to access, and can filter the events to receive only the data they are interested in.

  • Error Handling: Provide clear, actionable error messages to help clients understand any issues with their subscriptions.

  • Performance Considerations: Be mindful of the performance implications, especially when dealing with a large number of subscriptions and frequent updates.


This module has equipped you with the essential knowledge on GraphQL subscriptions, enabling you to create real-time, interactive applications.

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