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Gartner API Security

Gartner emphasizes the importance of API security and evaluates vendors in its Magic Quadrant based on their execution ability and vision completeness.

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Gartner API Security
Gartner API Security
Gartner API Security

Gartner API Security is important because it provides organizations with expert insights on protecting APIs from common vulnerabilities and security risks. APIs are increasingly becoming attack vectors, and Gartner highlights the need for robust measures like authentication, authorization, and threat detection.

In this blog, you will explore Gartner's insights on API security, examining critical protection strategies and the Magic Quadrant for API Security vendors.

Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for API Security

Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for API Security evaluates vendors based on two key criteria: their ability to execute and the completeness of their vision. Here's a deeper look into each category:


Leaders demonstrate consistent performance in API security with robust, reliable, and comprehensive solutions. They provide end-to-end protection, including authentication, encryption, traffic monitoring, and threat detection.

Organizations choose Leaders for their proven track record and ability to meet complex security needs at scale. Their strong execution ensures that they stay ahead of evolving threats and maintain high customer satisfaction. For example, leaders likely update their products continuously to keep pace with new API vulnerabilities and threats, ensuring they protect organizations.


Challengers deliver high-performing API security tools but may lack the advanced innovation or future-facing features that Leaders possess. They perform well in securing APIs but may not offer as many integrations or emerging technologies like AI-based threat detection.

Organizations often choose Challengers when they need strong security with fewer cutting-edge capabilities, often at a more affordable price. These vendors can handle current API security challenges but may not think forward as effectively in anticipating future security trend.


Visionaries focus on developing new, innovative ways to secure APIs. They often introduce emerging technologies and methods, such as AI-powered anomaly detection or zero-trust architecture for API security. They may still be maturing their solutions, meaning they might not have fully developed them for widespread use.

Visionaries are ideal for organizations seeking to stay ahead of the curve by adopting new technologies early. While Visionaries may not yet have the full product strength of a Leader, they demonstrate a forward-thinking approach that can set new standards in API security.

Niche Players

Niche Players specialize in certain areas of API security, often excelling in specific use cases or industries. They may not provide a full suite of security features, but they offer highly specialized tools for particular needs, such as securing IoT APIs or specific API authentication challenges.

Organizations with particular security requirements, such as focusing solely on securing APIs for mobile applications, may benefit from the targeted approach of Niche Players. These vendors are ideal when an organization needs a focused solution rather than a broad, comprehensive one.

Akto for API Security

Akto is a proactive API security platform designed to help organizations discover and scan their APIs. It boasts the world's largest and fastest-growing API security test library, allowing comprehensive security testing and ensuring robust protection against vulnerabilities.

Key Features

Akto offers a comprehensive set of key features that empower organizations to enhance their API security posture effectively:

1. API Discovery

Automatically identifies all internal, external, and partner APIs, ensuring full coverage. It scans the entire organization's infrastructure to detect APIs, even those that are undocumented or forgotten. This gives complete visibility into all API endpoints, helping teams manage APIs more effectively and reduce security risks associated with shadow APIs.

2. Security Scanning

Conducts in-depth scans for sensitive data exposure, business logic flaws, and other vulnerabilities. The scanning process actively identifies potential weaknesses, such as exposed PII or misconfigurations, and alerts security teams before they become a serious threat. With continuous monitoring, it ensures that the APIs remain secure as the system evolves, addressing issues before they escalate.

3. Authentication Testing

Supports both manual and automated tokens, simplifying the management of token expiry. It helps streamline the authentication process by testing different authentication mechanisms, such as OAuth and JWTs, and automatically identifies any weaknesses. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access while ensuring authentication protocols are robust and up to date.

4. Integration

Works seamlessly with tools like Swagger and Postman, and integrates into CI/CD pipelines. This allows developers and security engineers to incorporate security checks directly into their existing workflows, enabling automated testing and faster feedback loops. It ensures that security testing becomes an integral part of the development lifecycle, helping teams catch vulnerabilities early without slowing down development.

For more detailed reviews and information, visit Gartner's Akto review page.

Gartner's API Security Framework

Gartner’s API Security Framework helps organizations secure their APIs through a structured approach. It highlights best practices to safeguard sensitive data, prevent attacks, and maintain compliance.

Strong Authentication and Authorization

Implement OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect to ensure that only authorized users can access the APIs. These protocols allow security teams to authenticate users securely and issue tokens that verify their identity.

Add multi-factor authentication (MFA) to strengthen security by requiring users to provide an additional verification step, such as a one-time code or biometric scan. Alongside authentication, create fine-grained authorization policies that restrict access based on user roles and data sensitivity.

This ensures that users only access the information and services they are authorized to use. Validate tokens at every API call to confirm their legitimacy and expiration status, preventing unauthorized access and minimizing security risks.

Data Encryption

Encrypt data both during transmission and at rest using industry-standard encryption algorithms like AES-256 to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access. Ensure every API endpoint supports HTTPS to secure communication between clients and servers, preventing data from being intercepted during transmission.

Regularly audit the encryption methods and configurations to ensure they align with the latest security standards and best practices, adjusting them as needed to mitigate emerging threats. Store encryption keys securely and separately from the encrypted data to reduce the risk of compromise.

Use secure key management services, such as HSMs (Hardware Security Modules) or cloud-based key management systems, to safeguard these keys. Additionally, implement processes to rotate encryption keys periodically and revoke them when necessary, ensuring that outdated or compromised keys cannot be exploited.

Rate Limiting and Throttling

Implement rate limiting to control the number of API requests users can make within a specific time frame. By setting request limits, organizations can protect their API from abuse, such as brute-force attacks, where attackers attempt multiple requests to break authentication mechanisms. Rate limiting helps maintain performance by preventing users from overwhelming the API with excessive requests.

Additionally, deploy throttling to manage unexpected traffic surges and maintain the stability of the API. Throttling allows organizations to reduce the rate of requests when there is a sudden increase in traffic, ensuring the system can handle legitimate requests without being brought down by large volumes.

Monitoring these limits in real-time allows security teams to dynamically adjust them based on usage patterns, ensuring the API remains functional and responsive during periods of high demand. Both rate limiting and throttling are crucial for preventing denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, protecting the organizations’s infrastructure, and maintaining optimal performance for all users.

Continuous Monitoring and Logging

Continuously monitor API traffic to identify unusual patterns or spikes in usage that could signal an attack. By actively tracking API requests, organizations can detect potential threats, such as unauthorized access attempts or sudden increases in traffic that may indicate a denial-of-service (DoS) attack.

Implement security information and event management (SIEM) systems to log and audit all API activity, providing a detailed record for analysis and helping organizations meet regulatory compliance requirements.

Set up automated alerts to notify the security team of any suspicious activity, allowing them to respond quickly to potential security incidents. Ensure that all logs are stored securely, using encryption and access controls to protect them from tampering or unauthorized access.

Regularly review and analyze these logs to identify trends or vulnerabilities in the organization’s system. Continuous monitoring and logging not only strengthen the security posture but also ensure the integrity and reliability of the API environment.

Regular Security Testing

Conduct regular vulnerability scans and penetration tests to proactively identify and address security weaknesses in the APIs. By routinely testing for common vulnerabilities such as broken object-level authorization (BOLA), injection flaws, and improper access controls, organizations can detect potential issues before attackers exploit them. Implement both dynamic application security testing (DAST) and static application security testing (SAST) to cover all stages of the development process.

Automate security testing to ensure continuous coverage, integrating these tests into the CI/CD pipeline so that security teams identify and remediate vulnerabilities as early as possible. Use specialized tools to simulate real-world attacks and ensure the APIs can withstand different threat scenarios.

After each test, review the results, prioritize the identified vulnerabilities, and take immediate action to mitigate risks. Regular security testing helps maintain the integrity of the API, ensuring that it remains secure as the organization’s system evolves over time.

API Discovery and Inventory Management

Regularly discover and inventory all active APIs to ensure complete visibility across the organization’s API landscape. Shadow or undocumented APIs, which often go unnoticed, can introduce unmonitored security risks and become entry points for attacks.

Use automated tools to continuously scan the organization’s infrastructure, identifying all internal, external, and third-party APIs. By automating this process, organizations can ensure that they do not overlook or fail to track any API.

Maintain an up-to-date list of every active API, detailing their usage, endpoints, and data exposure. This comprehensive inventory allows security engineers to apply and manage security controls effectively across all interfaces.

Security teams can prioritize the protection of high-risk or sensitive APIs, ensuring that security measures like authentication, authorization, and encryption are consistently enforced. Regular API discovery and inventory management not only reduce security risks but also improve overall governance, giving the organization better control over API lifecycle management.

Zero Trust Security Model

Implement a zero-trust security model where no API request is trusted by default, regardless of whether it originates from inside or outside the network. Enforce strict authentication and authorization for every request, ensuring that only verified users or systems can access the APIs. Use role-based access controls (RBAC) to grant the least amount of privilege necessary, limiting access to sensitive data or actions based on user roles or the API’s function.

Continuously review and update the security policies to reflect changes in API usage patterns and respond to evolving threats. Regularly audit access controls and permissions to ensure that they remain appropriate for current usage.

Monitor API activity in real time, and set up alerts for any suspicious behavior, adjusting the security policies as needed. Adopting a zero-trust approach significantly strengthens API security by eliminating assumptions of trust, ensuring every interaction is verified and controlled.

Final Thoughts

Gartner’s insights on API security emphasize the importance of enhancing defenses in today’s digital landscape. By implementing their recommendations, organizations can strengthen their API security posture and protect critical assets from evolving threats.

Prioritizing API security as a core element of cybersecurity strategies helps safeguard sensitive data, maintain customer trust, and ensure business continuity. Taking a proactive approach by leveraging advanced tools and regularly updating security measures builds a robust defense against potential attacks and vulnerabilities. As API ecosystems expand, staying informed about the latest security trends and best practices becomes crucial for long-term success.

With Akto, organizations gain access to a powerful API security platform offering real-time monitoring and automated testing. Schedule your demo today to strengthen the API protection and stay ahead of evolving threats.

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