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What is API Linting?

What is API Linting?

API linting ensures API quality and consistency by automatically checking for errors and adherence to best practices, improving reliability and preventing issues early in development.

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API Linting
API Linting
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API linting plays a critical role in ensuring the quality and consistency of API specifications. By analyzing API definitions for errors and adherence to best practices, linting tools help developers identify issues early in the development process. This proactive approach prevents potential problems from reaching production, ultimately improving the reliability of the API.

In this blog, learn about API linting, including its definition, benefits, key areas, popular tools, setup, custom rules, integration into CI/CD, common issues, and troubleshooting.

What is API Linting?

API linting automatically checks the API's design and code against predefined rules and standards. This process ensures the API remains consistent, error-free, and follows best practices.

API linting is important because it helps catch mistakes early in development, making the API more reliable and easier to maintain. It ensures that everyone on the team follows the same guidelines, improving the API's overall quality and consistency. Using linting tools, security engineers can automatically enforce these standards, saving time and reducing the risk of bugs and security issues.

Benefits of API Linting

API linting offers several key benefits that significantly enhance the quality and reliability of the API. These include:


API linting ensures that all components of the API adhere to the same rules and guidelines. By enforcing consistent naming conventions and organizational structures, linting makes the API easier to understand and use. This uniformity helps developers quickly grasp the API's functionality, reducing the learning curve and minimizing confusion.

Error Prevention

Linting actively checks the API code for common mistakes, helping catch issues early in the development process. By identifying bugs and potential security vulnerabilities before they make it to production, linting prevents costly fixes later on. This proactive approach enhances the overall stability of the application and builds user confidence in its reliability.

Improved Documentation

Linting tools ensure that the API documentation is complete, accurate, and up-to-date. By validating the documentation against the actual API implementation, these tools help eliminate discrepancies that can lead to misunderstandings. As a result, developers find it easier to understand and use the API correctly, leading to a more positive user experience.

Increased Maintainability

A consistent and error-free API significantly enhances maintainability, making it easier to update and modify as needed. This improved maintainability reduces the time and effort required for future modifications, allowing development and security teams to concentrate on adding new features and making improvements.

By streamlining the development process, organizations can respond more swiftly to changing requirements and market demands. This agility not only improves operational efficiency but also ensures that the API can evolve effectively to meet user needs and stay competitive in a dynamic environment.

Implementing API Linting

Implementing API linting is essential for maintaining the quality, consistency, and reliability of the organization’s API designs. By ensuring adherence to standards. Follow these steps to effectively integrate linting into your workflow.

Choose a Linting Tool

Start by selecting the right linting tool that aligns with the project’s requirements. Popular tools like Spectral, Swagger Editor, and OpenAPI Lint are widely used to enforce API standards. Spectral is highly customizable and supports multiple formats, making it a versatile option.

Swagger Editor is ideal if security teams are working with OpenAPI specifications and prefer an integrated design and linting tool. OpenAPI Lint focuses specifically on OpenAPI standards and is suited for teams dedicated to strict OpenAPI adherence. Carefully assess which tool fits the team's workflow, API format, and long-term maintenance needs.

Set Up the Tool

After choosing the linting tool, integrate it into the development environment. If the team primarily works with an IDE, configure the tool to run automatically or on-demand within the editor.


Additionally, incorporate the linting tool into the CI/CD pipeline to automate checks during the build process. This ensures that every API version is validated before being pushed into production, preventing errors from slipping through the cracks. Proper setup guarantees that linting becomes a seamless part of the API development lifecycle.

Define Linting Rules

After setup, define or customize the linting rules that will govern the API specifications. Many linting tools come with default rules but may need to tailor them to meet the organization’s coding standards and best practices.

For example, security engineers can enforce consistent naming conventions, standardized HTTP response codes, or specific data format rules like requiring camelCase for property names. They can also configure linting rules to require certain security protocols, such as API authentication or the use of HTTPS. By aligning these rules with the organization’s internal guidelines, security engineers ensure the APIs remain consistent, secure, and easy to maintain.

Custom Linting Rules

Custom rules enable organizations to enforce specific standards and practices that are unique to their projects. In this example, the Spectral tool is used to implement these custom rules effectively.

How to Create

Spectral: Add custom rules to the.spectral.yml file.


    description: "GET requests should not have a body" 
    given: "$.paths..get" 
      field: "requestBody" 
      function: "falsy"

The Spectral rule, named no-GET-with-body, enforces a key guideline in API design: GET requests must not include a request body. This rule includes a description that clearly states its purpose, emphasizing that including a body in GET requests can lead to ambiguity, as these requests aim to retrieve data without altering the server's state.

The rule targets all GET request paths defined in the API specification, specifically focusing on the requestBody field. If a GET request contains a body, the rule checks whether the requestBody field is false, meaning it should either be absent or explicitly set to null/undefined.

By implementing this rule, organizations uphold RESTful best practices, enhance the clarity and consistency of their API specifications, and make it easier for developers to understand how to interact with the API correctly.

Check Contact Information

Purpose: Ensure that every API specification includes contact information.

Spectral Rule

  description: "Info object should contain contact information" 
  given: "$.info" 
    field: "contact" 
    function: "truthy"

The info-contact rule enforces the inclusion of contact information within the API specification. It specifies that the info object must contain a contact field, emphasizing the importance of providing accessible support details.

The rule checks the info object in the API specification, and if the contact field is absent or empty, it triggers a validation error. By requiring this contact information, the rule promotes transparency and facilitates communication between API providers and users, ensuring that assistance is readily available when needed.

Run Linting Checks

Running linting checks should become a regular part of the development process. Implement linting as a pre-commit hook so that every change to the API specification is validated before being committed to the repository.

In a CI/CD pipeline, running linting checks as part of automated tests guarantees that any issues are flagged before deployment. Frequent linting checks ensure that errors are caught early, and API inconsistencies are addressed immediately. This step not only saves time but also reduces the chances of encountering critical issues during production.

Review and Fix Issues

After each linting check, thoroughly review the issues flagged by the linting tool. These issues can range from minor inconsistencies, such as incorrect naming conventions, to more significant errors like missing response codes or incomplete documentation. Prioritize the fixes based on severity, ensuring that security teams address critical issues before progressing further

Collaborate with your security and development teams to resolve complex problems, ensuring that all corrections align with the agreed-upon API standards. Timely review and resolution of issues greatly enhance the API’s reliability and maintainability.

Common Issues in API Linting

API linting frequently encounters several common issues that developers and security teams should be aware of and address proactively.

Missing Required Fields

An issue arises when the API specification lacks mandatory fields like title, version, or paths. To resolve this, ensure that you include all required fields in your OpenAPI specification. For example, the following code snippet establishes a basic structure for an OpenAPI specification:

  title: "API Title" 
  version: "1.0.0" 

In this snippet, the info object contains a title set to "API Title," which identifies the API, and a version specified as "1.0.0," indicating its current version for tracking updates. The paths key, defined as an empty object ({}), shows that no specific endpoints are set yet, allowing for future additions. This setup provides a solid foundation for a well-organized OpenAPI specification, ensuring clarity while enabling further development.

Lack of Documentation

Insufficient documentation hinders effective API usage and integration. When APIs lack clear explanations or examples, developers struggle to understand how to interact with them. Organizations must provide comprehensive documentation that details the API's functionality, including endpoint descriptions, request and response formats, and usage examples.

Incorrect Data Types

Another common issue involves specified data types that do not match the actual data. To address this, verify that all properties have the correct data types. For instance, consider the following code snippet:

properties: id: type: "string" age: type: "integer"

This snippet defines properties within a schema, outlining the structure and data types for an object. The properties key specifies two fields: the schema defines first, id, as a string, indicating it will hold alphanumeric characters and typically represent unique identifiers for objects or records. The schema specifies the second field, age, as an integer, meaning it will store whole numbers, usually representing the age of a person or entity.

By clearly defining these properties, the code establishes expectations for the data structure, ensuring that any object adhering to this schema contains an id as a string and an age as an integer, thus maintaining consistency and accuracy in the data being processed.

Undefined Response Schemas

Undefined response schemas pose a significant issue in API specifications, as they can lead to confusion and inconsistencies. To resolve this, organizations should define comprehensive schemas for all responses. The following code snippet addresses this concern:

    description: "Successful response" 
          type: "object" 
              type: "string" 
              type: "string"

This snippet specifies that response schemas must be included to ensure clarity and consistency in the API's behavior. It outlines a successful response with a status code of 200 and includes a description indicating that the response is successful.

The code defines the content type as application/json, and the code specifies the schema as an object that contains two properties: id, defined as a string, and name, also defined as a string. By including comprehensive schemas for all responses, this code enhances the API's documentation and ensures that clients clearly understand the structure of the data they can expect in responses.

Popular API Linting Tools

Several popular tools can help enforce best practices and consistency in API design. These tools analyze the API specifications and check for errors, ensuring that the APIs follow established standards.


Spectral cli

Spectral is a flexible API linting tool that allows security teams to create custom rules or use predefined ones to validate OpenAPI, AsyncAPI, and other API specifications. It helps ensure consistency, catch potential errors, and maintain high-quality APIs throughout the development process.

Swagger Validator

The Swagger Validator is an excellent tool for validating OpenAPI (formerly Swagger) specifications. It checks the API definitions for compliance with the OpenAPI standards, ensuring proper structure and design before moving forward with development or deployment.

API Designer Linter

This tool is typically integrated within API design platforms like MuleSoft’s API Designer. It automatically checks the API specifications for compliance with best practices and helps identify potential issues during the design phase.

OpenAPI Enforcer

OpenAPI Enforcer provides robust linting features for OpenAPI specifications, helping security teams detect and resolve issues related to schema validation, parameter definitions, and response formats. It ensures that the API adheres to standards and is ready for integration.


Prism is another powerful tool that not only performs API linting but also simulates APIs based on the OpenAPI or RAML definitions. It validates the API specifications, ensuring they align with the expected functionality while also helping with testing and debugging.

API Linting Best Practices

Implementing best practices for API linting enhances the overall quality and usability of the APIs. By following these practices, organizations can ensure consistency, improve developer experience, and reduce the likelihood of errors.

Endpoint Naming Conventions

Ensure that all API endpoints follow consistent naming rules to enhance clarity and usability. Consistent naming conventions make it easier for developers to understand the purpose of each endpoint and how to interact with it. This practice not only simplifies the integration process but also helps avoid confusion, especially for new developers.

Example: Use clear and consistent naming such as /users/{id} for retrieving user details instead of ambiguous names like /usr/getById. This approach indicates that the endpoint relates to user resources and specifies that it retrieves information based on a unique identifier.

HTTP Methods

Verify that each endpoint uses the correct HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to align with RESTful principles and standard practices. Properly using HTTP methods helps clients understand the intended actions and ensures predictable API behavior.

Example: Utilize GET for retrieving data (e.g., /users/{id}), POST for creating new data (e.g., /users), PUT for updating existing data (e.g., /users/{id}), and DELETE for removing data (e.g., /users/{id}). Adhering to these conventions enhances API intuitiveness and allows developers to interact with the API more effectively.

Response Codes

Ensure that responses consistently use appropriate HTTP status codes to convey the outcome of requests. This practice helps clients quickly understand the result of their interactions with the API and facilitates easier troubleshooting.

Example: Return 200 OK for successful requests, 201 Created for successful resource creation, 400 Bad Request for client errors, and 404 Not Found for non-existent resources. Using the correct status codes not only provides clarity but also aids in debugging and enhances the overall user experience.

Request and Response Schemas

Define and maintain consistent data structures for both requests and responses to improve clarity and reliability in data exchange. Well-defined schemas help ensure that both clients and servers adhere to the same expectations regarding data format and content.

Establishing schemas provides a framework for validating incoming requests and outgoing responses, reducing the risk of data-related errors. This practice fosters a smoother integration process and enhances overall API robustness.

Request Schema Example

A request schema defines the structure and format of data that clients must send to the API when making a request. It specifies the required and optional fields, their data types, and any constraints on the values. By implementing a request schema, developers ensure that incoming data adheres to the expected format, facilitating proper request handling and reducing the likelihood of errors due to malformed or incomplete data.

  "name": "John Doe", 
  "email": "john.doe@example.com" 

Response Schema Example

A response schema defines the structure and format of data that the API sends back to clients in response to a request. It specifies the expected fields, their data types, and any constraints on the values. By implementing a response schema, developers ensure that outgoing data adheres to a consistent format, facilitating easier integration for API consumers and reducing the likelihood of errors due to unexpected data structures.

  "id": "12345", 
  "name": "John Doe", 
  "email": "john.doe@example.com", 
  "created_at": "2023-06-22T14:48:00.000Z" 

Authentication and Authorization

Implement robust security measures like authentication and authorization to ensure that only authorized users can access or modify resources. These practices are critical for protecting sensitive data and maintaining the integrity of the organization.

Example: Require an Authorization header with a valid token for protected endpoints. This step verifies the user's identity and ensures they have the necessary permissions to access specific resources.

JSON Example

Deprecation Practices

Mark and document deprecated endpoints to guide developers in avoiding outdated features. This practice helps prevent confusion and ensures that users migrate to updated endpoints promptly.

Example: Add a deprecation notice in both the API documentation and the responses for deprecated endpoints. This communication informs users about the status of the endpoint and encourages them to transition to newer alternatives.

JSON Example

By implementing strong authentication and authorization practices and maintaining clear deprecation policies, organizations can enhance their API security and provide a better experience for developers and users alike. These measures ensure that sensitive information remains protected and that users have the most up-to-date and secure options for interacting with the API.

Final Thoughts

API linting is an essential tool that significantly enhances the organization’s development process by enabling them to catch errors early, maintain consistency, and ensure that the API is user-friendly and easy to maintain. By integrating linting into organizational workflow, they can streamline the identification of potential issues, allowing security teams to focus on delivering high-quality features.

To explore how to achieve comprehensive security for the APIs and improve the overall development practices, discover the benefits of Akto. By utilizing Akto's solutions, organizations can proactively safeguard their APIs against vulnerabilities. Book your demo today and take the first step toward a more secure and efficient API management strategy!

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